If you are in the self-storage business and trying to grow it, or if you have been trying to get in the business and it is slow-going, this episode may be for you.
But I will take a very different approach than most in the next couple of episodes concerning how to get the most out of this year (or any year for that matter) for your business.
I started two weeks with my experience on my lifelong journey of creating wealth and goals and what I have discovered so far.
If you haven’t read or watched the last Episode, 446 or Episode 447, start there. This episode will make sense (hopefully).
In 1987, I created $50,000 and was astounded when I realized I had almost hit the exact cent I had believed I could get.
It started me on a journey trying to figure out exactly how that could possibly have happened or to solve it for myself once and for all, but it was a fluke.
I quickly realized there are two main ways humans can explore how the world works: (1) spiritual (religious or metaphysical studies) or (2) science (rigorous application of the scientific method).
Of course, I went down both avenues.
What physics has determined is that the ultimate reality behind this 3-dimensional universe is consciousness or awareness.
The universe has not functioned like a machine-like science thought for hundreds of years, but like a thought.
Episode 447 gives brief history of the process theoretical physics went through to realize that.
The previous episode also discusses briefly the likely nature of that awareness or consciousness that appears to permeate every point in space and is everywhere present. It is always expanding, growing, seeking to become more, expressing itself in this universe as everything you see, including us.
This is where this episode starts, and what I have deduced is how and why we can create goals, If we think in a certain way and do certain things, goals not only can be realized, but that is also the only possible outcome.
It Starts Here
There is consciousness and awareness behind all things. This awareness is everywhere, at every point in space and through motion; everything you see, including you, has been created.
Everything is in motion at all times.
From the quantum level of subatomic particles to atoms, to molecules, to solid bodies, planets, galaxies, and even the universe itself are always in motion. Spinning. Everything spins and swirls.
It is through this motion that everything has been created.
What is behind this motion is awareness or consciousness, according to physics. In fact, as explained last week, In fact, consciousness is the only thing known to science that creates a wave function collapse and turns energy into matter.
Humans are thought machines. We perceive reality in language and thought. Thought is energy.
Humans can form thoughts, and impressing them into the awareness behind reality causes the things they think about to be realized.
This is the creative method of creating things and requires a very specific way of thinking to really be effective. Otherwise, given humans think so many thoughts, a goal can be lost and/or muddled with so many other thoughts that it is not impressed in the awareness in a way to be very effective.
How To Think
As I learned in Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill and The Science Of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles, it starts with a very clear and specific goal in mind.
The goal needs to be short and specific, not general or rambling. Not like “I want to be happy…or I want to travel.”
“I want to go to tour England and France in 2026.” Specific and by when.
My first experience as stated in Episode, 446 was an exact dollar amount. And what I discovered is the exact dollar amount I earned in 1987 was not what I said, but what I really thought I could get. I saw how a thought can become material, and in my case, it was money. That thought was what was impressed on the awareness behind our reality every single day that year, constantly.
This is just the first and most simple way to begin to think. However, one must keep the goal foremost and clearly in one’s mind.
I recommend seeing it and experiencing it clearly every morning. Then, throughout the day.
What is also required is to realize that by using this “creative process” to achieve goals, we are moving from the competitive plane to the creative plane.
The competitive plane is where humans have spent most of their time on this planet.
“Resources are limited.”
“To get what we desire, we need to beat others.”
“There are a limited number of good self-storage markets left due to overbuilding.”
These are all thoughts from the competitive plane.
I never realized how much it was the water I swim in until I consciously tried to move from the competitive plane to the creative plane. I still recognize it every day in my thinking.
This can quickly thwart what we are trying to create with our goals.
In the creative plane, there is no lack. There is still an abundance of markets, trade areas, and so forth for self-storage today.
If I am in the proper mindset, I can see them.
Also, the hardest thing we can do is to not “judge by appearances.”
It takes no mental effort to draw conclusions about how “bad” things are based on what we see in the world or, more accurately said, what we think we see.
The hardest thing a person can do is see a goal being achieved, to see abundance, health, or prosperity in the midst of “not that.”
To see health in the midst of sickness and disease or to see wealth and prosperity in the midst of poverty really takes something. It is some of the hardest work you will ever do. It requires a great expenditure of energy and focus.
But the truth is, whatever we focus on and think about the majority of the time is exactly what we experience.
Given how the universe is organized, it is the only possible outcome.
My coaching is don’t focus on or listen to news or opinions that tell us how bad things are or that the world is going to hell.
The world is not going to hell. The world is wonderfully evolving.
We have evolved as a species in our short existence. From small groups living in caves to larger groups to clans to tribes, to kingdoms, to city-states, to nation-states in our evolution of societal organizations.
We are continually evolving. We will form into a global state, galactic states, and perhaps even beyond as the universe and our species continue to evolve.
So don’t put too much stock on what is currently happening worldwide. Be aware of it and dance with it, but whatever season we happen to be in socially, economically, or politically, as individuals, using the creative process to generate our lives, our job is to keep our attention on what we want, not what we don’t want, and what’s wrong.
Who was it that said, “Be in the world, not of the world?”
Easier said than done for me, but that is the job.
Mindset That Connects Our Thought To The Awareness Underlying All
We must form a clear mental image of what our goal is. Keep it in the forefront of our minds and not focus on what we don’t want.
From what I have seen, Gratitude is the emotion that connects us with the awareness beyond ourselves.
Believing in the process and being grateful for the process are two different things. Being thankful for something and knowing it is coming really takes something when what is present now can often be very far from what we are creating.
Just like keeping our attention on what we want regardless of circumstances, seeing beyond appearances and being grateful for something on its way is some of the most challenging work we as humans can do.
But it works.
In reality, time is a relative thing. Something can exist but not be in the material world yet.
Remember last week when we discussed the wave function collapse? Energy exists as potential matter until a moment occurs when a subatomic partial exists in a particular point in space at a particular point in time.
But we don’t say the subatomic particle doesn’t exist. It exists as potentiality until the wave function collapses, but it does exist. And remember, other than consciousness, science has found no other way for the wave function collapse to occur.
Too much stress cannot be placed on the importance of not only believing in the process of goal setting but also experiencing the goal emotionally. The emotional experience of your goal creates a very clear pattern for the goal to materialize, and no emotion is better than being grateful.
Established Channels of Delivery for Your Goal to Reach You
As stated before, we don’t just create a goal; they materialize before us. Someday, perhaps we could, as we evolve. But I know of no cases where that happens currently.
Maybe there are cases; I just can’t say I know about them.
You may have even wondered about someone, and they soon called you. But it was not instantaneous.
My observation is that this awareness works through established channels of business and social order to bring what we create to us.
I could create a car for myself by next December 31 that I currently have no idea how I will afford.
People in other parts of the world will produce the parts, even for American-made cars.
People, situations, and opportunities will show up to me and can bring the needed money that I would have never seen before. But because I have a clear goal at the forefront of my mind, those people, situations, and opportunities can become very obvious.
But most importantly, to create the space for what you are creating to show up, I have discovered that every day, I need to take action, the next apparent step, toward doing what someone who is achieving the goal would do.
Wherever one is, in whatever job or situation one finds themselves, take action where you are.
You do not need to wait until you can get away from a W-2 income to be an entrepreneur, for example. Start where you are and take the next apparent step.
And always add value for everyone you encounter. I truly believe that doing more than what we are paid for and providing more value than expected is part of the formula.
Being a bigger, more expanded version of yourself accelerates the speed at which our goals reach us.
If I am buying a storage facility, I don’t need to beat the Seller down. I have my benchmark returns I need to achieve, but I also want the Seller to achieve their goals. This is not a mutually exclusive set of criteria on the creative plane.
Anytime I catch myself moving back into the competitive plane, which is quite often, I treat it like some people do sin. I have gotten better at recognizing it, letting it go, and, on purpose, creating a mindset where everyone wins.
I have a long way to go before I can say this is my normal state, but I am making progress.
My experience is that is all that is needed: a willingness to move from the competitive plane to the creative plane.
Your Goals
Now, in Episode 446, you were creating up to three goals for the year for your self-storage business.
Are these goals short, clear, and specific?
Do you see a new possibility for their achievement that before was more like a hope or a wish?
My intention for these last three episodes was to (1) create a space where your goals and what is possible can show up differently for you and (2) to give you what I have discovered as the way to think and act that can allow these goals to move from thought (energy) into reality (matter).
Every morning, see the goals being achieved, feel what that feels like, and most importantly, be grateful they will be realized.
Then, keep them in the forefront of your mind all the time.
These episodes have discussed very generally and broadly what I am writing about in the upcoming book scheduled for being published Q2-2026.
These episode have very briefly touched on what I see as the way to think and act, that speeds the realization of one’s goals to us.
As Wallace Wattles wrote in 1910, in the last paragraph of his book The Science Of Getting Rich “The men and women who practice…{the instructions in his book}….will certainly get rich; and the riches they receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude.”