Learn How To Make Money Off Your Maintenance Expense – Episode 27
We make money off our self storage maintenance team!
It may show up as an expense on the P & L, but it sure makes us a lot of money.
Here is how.
We make money off our self storage maintenance team!
It may show up as an expense on the P & L, but it sure makes us a lot of money.
Here is how.
It could be said that the most important people in the self storage business are the Managers. At least in our case, that is so.
The public relates to them as the face and personality of the facility, not the Owners. Customers for the most part don’t even know we exist.
Let me introduce you to some of our Managers.
I have been fired!
More accurately, I took my own advice and fired myself! Did you?
I am proud to announce that I am no longer the CFO, bookkeeper, financial data entry person or anything else related to that for our storage company.
I could be wrong, but I bet you shouldn’t be either.
The world of Self-Storage marketing is evolving so fast, that you, yes you, the Owner (CEO), are most likely the problem.
Find out.
This episode explores when and how you may need to replace yourself as the one in charge of the marketing of your facility or company.
Watch or Read Here to find out!
Here is a simple way to stop winging it and create the structure and space for real growth to occur in. You will now own a company the big boys would consider and your facility and streamline your operations/or company is worth more instantly.
Click and learn a way to go from people to systems. Click and Create Wealth Through Self-Storage.
This simple strategy is something most owner/operators never do. However, it makes all the difference in the world.