As we bring this year to an end, I just wanted to say another big “Thank You!”

I appreciate all the feedback I received from last week’s post about the biggest challenges you face as you grow your self storage business.  I want to make sure I’m providing content that answers your biggest questions or concerns.  So please don’t stop with the feedback.  Keep those comments coming. You can respond here on the blog, on my Facebook page, or by email.

Even though it looks like the self storage industry may be getting overbuilt in certain markets, that does not mean it’s a bad time to start or expand.

It just means you have to be smart and have a plan.


Since a lot of us are reflecting on last year as we plan next year, I thought it would be interesting to look back on the most popular posts of 2016.

The number one post was in January:  “The Secret to Self Storage ProfitabilityBurger Fries and a drink

This tells me you are serious about starting or growing a self storage business.  You’re looking for ways to combat the high prices in today’s market.  I realized after re-reading it that I need to remind myself of that lesson periodically as well.

Even though I “know” these techniques, I can get frustrated too when I’m out there looking for our next self storage project.  This is a great reminder that there is a lot of value we can add to the facilities we’re seeing on the market, and how to strategically do it.

The second most read and viewed post this year was “Should I Buy or Build” last April.

Literally Building Your Self Storage Business

Again, this also tells me how serious you are about starting or growing your business and your willingness to expand beyond you comfort zone to do so.

As I work with you guys, in group settings or one on one in the Self Storage Coaching Club), I am constantly moved and inspired by your willingness to move beyond what you know and venture into new territory.

I know it is a tough market out there. I fell short of my acquisition goals last year as well.

But we are starting or growing our self storage business in a smart manner. Be proud of that. Be inspired by who you are and what you’re doing.

This is new territory as well.  I’ve never tried to grow a company in a market like this.


My commitment for 2017 is to Learn Out Loud and share with you what I discover so we can strategically grow and Create True Wealth in this fantastic Self Storage Business.

I have a lot of new content and new programs I’ll be releasing in 2017.  I’ve been doing testing so I know it’s information that you want and answers specific needs.   Coming to the blog and to your inbox starting next week!

Happy New Year!