There is a lot of grinding of teeth and wringing of hands around rising interest rates and buying self storage today.
I don’t want to minimize the impact higher interest rates can have on projects and underwriting them.
I will make what may seem like a counter-intuitive statement about debt during times like these. Let me share my relationship with debt now.
Our November 11th and 12th Bootcamp: https://creatingwealththroughselfstorage.lpages.co/2022-q4-live-virtual-bootcamp/
-My Training and Coaching at https://TheQuickStartAcademy.com/
-Listen on Apple Podcasts – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/creating-wealth-through-self-storage/id1588425875
- 5 KPIs we measure and how we do it: https://creatingwealththroughselfstorage.lpages.co/top-5-kpi-ebook/
-My blog: https://creatingwealththroughselfstorage.com/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markhelmselfstorage/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkHelmSelfst
-The Storage World Analyzer: http://storageworldanalyzer.com/
-The QuickStart Academy Store: https://quick-start-academy.myshopify.com