Yes, I am a self storage person interpreting the economic data points and sharing how I see it fitting into our area of interest, self storage.
Now depending on which news silo, you get most of your “news” from, you hear vastly different interpretations of economic data.
I say it is almost impossible, if not totally impossible, to draw any conclusions about the economy that are not a reflection of your political leanings. You don’t hear that from any of the experts who pontificate and/or report on what is going on in the economy.
I suggest, to whatever degree you are capable of, coming up with your own collusions. I have discovered the “experts,” no matter what side of the political spectrum they reside on, are usually wrong.a
Today, let’s look at inflation, then in the next episode, we will see what our next moves could be. But I think truly attempting to understand the root causes of inflation will assist us in determining our next moves.
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