I get asked many different self storage questions, but this one seems to come up a lot.
I received one asking how much money it takes to get into self storage and cover the first few years.
Hard to say because every deal is different.
However, here are three examples in today’s market that I and people I know are analyzing.
-My Training and Coaching at https://TheQuickStartAcademy.com/
-Listen on Apple Podcasts – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/creating-wealth-through-self-storage/id1588425875
- 5 KPIs we measure and how we do it: https://creatingwealththroughselfstorage.lpages.co/top-5-kpi-ebook/
-My blog: https://creatingwealththroughselfstorage.com/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markhelmselfstorage/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkHelmSelfst
-The Storage World Analyzer: http://storageworldanalyzer.com/
-The QuickStart Academy Store: https://quick-start-academy.myshopify.com