Smitty is my partner in a self-storage company designed to take the small investor through the entitlement process for self-storage projects in an affordable way and then bid on the construction of the project in a competitive environment, ensuring clients get the best value possible.
We feel this is a powerful way, in today’s high-cost environment, to give smaller players a competitive edge and help bring projects online that may otherwise not happen.
Yardi just released Q4 data on the self-storage industry, and development projects are being abandoned at a high rate today.
Let Smitty explain the company’s unique approach to assisting smaller self-store owners and investors with their self-storage development and/or construction projects.
**Online Courses at The Quickstart Academy**
**Listen on Apple Podcasts**
** 5 KPIs we measure**
**My blog**
**The Storage World Analyzer**
**The QuickStart Academy Store**