Is there really a slowdown in the self storage space as a result of rising interest rates?
There appears to be, but for me at least, the total picture isn’t quite in yet.
Just like our world today, the self storage industry is a mixed bag of contradictions.
As a small investor, our job is to navigate these seeming contradictions, and come up with strategies to get in or grow our self storage business.
Let me share with you some of my current observations and two strategies people have today.
-My Training and Coaching at https://TheQuickStartAcademy.com/
-Listen on Apple Podcasts – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/creating-wealth-through-self-storage/id1588425875
- 5 KPIs we measure and how we do it: https://creatingwealththroughselfstorage.lpages.co/top-5-kpi-ebook/
-My blog: https://creatingwealththroughselfstorage.com/
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markhelmselfstorage/
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkHelmSelfst
-The Storage World Analyzer: http://storageworldanalyzer.com/
-The QuickStart Academy Store: https://quick-start-academy.myshopify.com