To experience the magic life has to offer, you only have to step out of your comfort zone.

Now that can be much easier said than done, especially when starting a self storage business today.


Because pricing is so high, to generate the returns we smaller investors need you’ll need to do things that are truly outside our comfort zone…like construction.

I had a few phone conversations with some of you this week and I was amazed at the courage and willingness to step out and try something new and, potentially, risky.

Two people, in particular, were completely outside their comfort zones; not knowing if what they are doing will succeed but taking action anyway.

In both cases, they decided to focus on buying land and building self storage facilities as their entry point into the business because pricing is so high.

They’ve already taken the first steps and engaged a person to complete a feasibility study and assess the supply/demand of their sites.

The verdict is still out – they should have their reports in a few weeks.

But in both cases they are still moving forward:  getting construction bids, talking to contractors, fabricators, architects, engineers.  All of these are things they have never done before and they’re not sure that they’re doing it right.

Both realize they have a lot on the line, and yet…they are taking action.

I find that courage very inspiring.

Nothing is guaranteed in life; not even life itself, but one thing I can guarantee is that if you want to create a new, magical future, one where you are creating your business and financial freedom, you will have to do new and different things.

You will have to do MANY new things – not knowing if they will work.

Many WON’T work and you will have to pivot.

Sometime pivot fast.

But I have created this for myself and I heard it in these two people speaking:  If one person has done it, I can too.

Sure, there is some fear.  There is some doubt that they are doing the right thing.

But they took action anyway.

Nothing can happen until you take action.

The reason I take on helping others get into this business is to experience what I’m talking about now – being inspired by people who step out of their comfort zone and create their future.

I could just focus on the future I’m creating for myself, and probably get there faster using the energy I’m now spending on this endeavor, but  supporting others in this fantastic business is so much more fulfilling than just creating my own business.

I was reminded of that this week as I talked to some of you.

No matter where you are, be inspired by yourself.  By your willingness to step outside your comfort zone and create a future from nothing.

That is where the juice is.  You are exercising our species highest evolutionary ability:  the ability to use our thinking to create (or co-create depending on your spiritual beliefs) a future to live into.

It doesn’t get any better than that.