When my Grandson Jackson was in the first grade, at his first “Leadership” day at his school, he informed me that he would start college in 2025.

I don’t even think he knew what college was.

Many people I work with say they are getting into the Self Storage Business.

When they create that goal, many don’t know what that means either.

When I read Stephen Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” it was at a time early in my professional life where it made a real impact on me.

Habit Two in the book is “Begin With the End in Mind.”

I also have no idea how the universe works and why it works the way it does. But here is what I have put together from experience and observation:

When someone has a clear, concrete goal or objective in mind, and that goal or objective is always there, always present, to the degree that it becomes a part of the mental makeup of that person, the universe conspires and arranges itself to fulfill on it.

It isn’t always how I think it should look. It is never how I expected it to go. But it happens. I have theories of how and why, but the “truth” is, I don’t know how it happens. I have just seen it occur over and over.

Effective and successful people know this.

I would bet you intuitively know this too.

In all of the material, I have anything to do with, from my courses at The QuickStart Academy (I know a plug) to the Self Storage Bootcamp, the first space someone goes through is to create a vision of the future for your business.

We call it a business plan or strategy grounded in why you are getting in, but make no mistake; it is a vision for your business.

If you are unclear about where you are going, you will zig-zag around in life and business. It is challenging enough with a clear goal, and I can only imagine how confusing, unsatisfactory, and energy-draining not having one could be.

If your end game goal, which is part of you, and you can stay present to it every day, you will be pointed in the right direction.
Then if you have the habit of always taking action in that direction, pivot, realign with the goal, take action again, pivot, realign with the goal…well, that is real power.

In life, what you are after is on a freight train headed full steam towards you. At least that is my experience.

I provide a lot of specific actions to take, a lot of specific things to do, specific ways to analyze self-storage to grow your business. I do all this to help you experience the benefits that this fantastic business offers smaller investors like us.

This episode is about creating a larger context in which to take those actions.

This week, if you are not clear, I invite you to get real clear on what you will create and a timeline to create it for your self-storage business. And I don’t mean “a lot of money” or “get rich”. I mean a clear, measurable objective.

I know, by doing that, you may feel bad if you don’t get there.

Here is my promise to you. Even if you don’t, you will be a lot further along than you are now, and who you get to be in the process is worth the effort.

So create or re-invent your self storage business with the end in mind and enjoy the ride.