If you knew you could not fail, what would you create this year for your self storage business?

I have a couple more “mindset” topics to cover before we do a deep dive into some new online marketing strategies. We are beginning to utilize these techniques in our lease-up and online marketing strategies.

But the reason I focus on these is for one reason only.

Success in any endeavor, especially self storage today, is 80% or 90% psychological, or the mindset you have, and 10% to 20% knowing what to do.

So let’s begin to create what is going to happen to your self storage business this year.

Now that you have been doing some deep work on:

  • Completing the last year,
  • looking at what thoughts and beliefs have been holding you back and
  • setting up structures that will empower you in relation to what you say and declare (if you haven’t read or watched episodes 139144  and 145 , click the links to those episodes first)

you are ready now to create what will happen this year in your self storage business.

Mindset for Success

Here are some ideas on how to relate to this process in ways that will support you and your company, no matter where you are on the self storage journey.

One of the underlying beliefs that seem to permeate our society are various forms of the idea that “it’s wrong,” or “not really right” to want a lot for me. This has shown up in my life in various ways as I do the work discussed in Episode 144 (link available above).

Sure it’s OK to set some goals. Especially if they are business goals and they affect a lot more people than just me.

But to want to create something that would cause a quantum leap in my life, create a lot of wealth for me, well it’s selfish to put that much energy into just me.

I am surprised how much, at least for me, this shows up in many of the underlying thoughts and beliefs I have.

I am the first person to say if you help enough people get what they want, you can have anything you want. Or to be relevant in the world, help other people solve their problems, then you can have anything you want in life.

I feel that business is service to “others”. Your self storage business will be successful to the extent that it provides a service for the public.

I am not talking about some narcissistic focus on me, me, me.

I am talking about the idea that it is wrong, or at least not a good thing to do to focus on creating lots wealth for myself. Or if I am, not to talk about it much or put lots of energy into it, because that is not what “life” is about.

If some version of this seems recognizable to you, let me share something I have learned, and have created for myself. Let me share what I think is the fundamental belief behind an “Abundance Mindset.”

Life is always expanding and becoming more.

Galaxy’s are expanding.

Life is expanding.

Life will always try to be and go where it has not been before.

Even in the smallest crack in the sidewalk, a blade of grass will try to grow. Life will try to expand upward.

We are life. We are always trying to become more. That is the nature of life.

Your self storage business is an expression of you becoming more. Of Life becoming more.

Creating goals and putting specific targets and income numbers in place is an example of this. Helping your business expand and become more.

It is the natural expression of the life within you, in fact. To not focus on yourself and to become all you can be is to go against the pull of life.

Free yourself up inside and out, create the most you can be, grow to your fullest potential because that is the true and natural expression of what you are here for.

Not just in business, but definitely don’t leave the business and personal wealth building out. That would be unnatural and to go against the very fabric of what it is to be alive.

Your Goals Should Stretch You

So don’t be afraid to set big goals.

Goals that enrich you, emotionally, financially, and spiritually.

I was taught to set goals that stretch me.

Many of us have a very weak relationship to goal setting. We create something cautiously. Something that we feel we at least have a chance of hitting or something we can see how it could be achieved.

I was taught not to do that.

Now I am not talking about being delusional. We are seeing a lot of that now it seems.

What I am talking about is if you can see how you can achieve a goal as you create it, it is probably not a big enough goal.

Good goals, in my opinion, should cause you to become more than you are now.

Goals that you create but have no real idea today how they can possibly happen are the kind of goals that will force you to become big enough to fulfill them.

If you create that kind of goal, keep it alive, keep it present, and new people will show up. New ideas will come to you or you will begin to hear new ideas from others.

It is amazing, but my experience is the Universe lines up and starts bringing it to me.

Perhaps what is happening is that because I have no idea how to achieve it, I am listening and looking for something new, and because I am, I get it.

Or perhaps the Universe will bring what we keep our focus on through the Law Of Attraction.

It doesn’t matter.

Create a goal that really stretches you and if achieved, would represent something worth giving this year for.

Don’t be safe in creating goals.

I would rather fail dramatically at a big goal than win and achieve a small goal.

I would rather fail at putting $30 million in service than win at putting in $5 million (my experience last year).

So if you couldn’t fail, or were not afraid of failing, what would you create for this year in your self storage business?

What are your goals this year for your self storage business

Now, let’s dive into how to make those happen.

We will start by exploring next week some new online marketing that we are using with some success.