by Mark Helm | Feb 14, 2020 | Self Storage Mindset
We are in the middle of a series called What It Takes To Succeed In Self Storage Today. I realized after working with so many people assisting them in getting in self storage that what it took to be successful was not the “information” I was teaching. Yes, they had to...
by Mark Helm | Feb 7, 2020 | Buy Self Storage, Self Storage Mindset
To be successful in anything, but especially self storage today, it is not a function of what you know. Yes, you have to know a lot of things, but knowing them guarantees nothing. The colossal failures in life know quite a lot. If you know nothing about self storage...
by Mark Helm | Feb 1, 2020 | Buy Self Storage, Self Storage Mindset
To be successful in self storage today, it is not a function of what you know about self storage. Yes, you have to know a lot of things, but knowing them guarantees nothing. In fact, if you know nothing about self storage when you start, but have the mindsets we...
by Mark Helm | Jan 24, 2020 | Buy Self Storage, Self Storage Mindset
I have just finished a series called Getting Started In Self Storage. Over the years, I have worked with a lot of people supporting them in getting in this fantastic business of self storage. Everyone I have worked with, I have gone into details about what was in that...
by Mark Helm | Jan 20, 2020 | Getting Started In Self Storage Series
You are getting ready to close on your first or your next self storage facility. This is where I get the most nervous. If you think I was nervous during the due diligence period, you should see me now. I am sure you are much cooler than I am. How to take over and...