Is 2018 the year for you?

Is this the year you start your self storage business or take your business to the next level?

I am going to go deep into how to do this and what my self storage company is doing. I will also share what others in this community are doing.

You will meet some of them as well.

I have been working one on one with people that are trying to start their self storage business.  This year I’m starting a year-long, group project so I can help as many people as possible all over the country.  For more information, click HERE.  

I am here to tell you knowing the in’s and out’s of what to do, how to find opportunities, how to analyze, how to determine what to pay…all that stuff you have to know is worthless if you have a weak relationship to being successful or to making money.

I may sound like a broken record, but I see it over and over.

I know, your knee-jerk reaction is, “I know this and it does not apply to me.”

You may even get that mindset is 80% to 90% of what determines if you are successful in the self storage business.

But right now, do you think you have a weak relationship to being successful or to making money?

For 80% to 90% of you, I bet the answer is “no.”

Consider you do.

I mean take it on and own it.

Look, I know if you are reading this, you have been successful to some degree in your life. But, that does not mean we have a powerful relationship to success and making money.

Do you know how I know this?

Because we all have a weak relationship to it.

It’s not even personal to you.

You have probably never had a thought that has not been thought before. We are born into

  • a cultural conversation
  • a national conversation
  • a financial conversation
  • a religious and spiritual conversation
  • a family conversation

and on and on.

And we are born into a conversation around money and being successful.

Virtually every thought you have is not original.

Yes, I know the experience of having it feel personal. But the thought isn’t. It has been around a long time.

And we are born into a very disempowering conversation around success and making money.

Sure you want more money.

Everybody does.

But when it comes down to the systematic, step by step approach to starting a self storage business – over and over something gets in our way.

We couldn’t get the loan, or the money from our partners, or the approvals.

Stuff happens I know. But take a good look at it.

When that stuff happens, how does it make you feel?

Is the feeling familiar?

Usually, we blame it, or say, validly I admit, that it was the bank or the market, or so and so who stopped this deal.

But that normal, everyday thinking does nothing but allow you to be a victim of the bank, the market, or of so and so.

It is valid thinking. A valid conversation. A conversation we are born into.

It has no power.

Believe me, I have those conversations daily. That is why last year instead of putting $30 million of self storage into service, I only put in $5 million.

It’s not like I have got this handled either. But, 2018 is a line in the sand for me. I invite you to join me.

By taking on that you have a weak relationship to success and money,  you know something is possible that wasn’t when you started this Episode.

You have created the space for something new. You have created the space for having a powerful relationship to success and money.

So let’s begin to explore this.

Now nothing I say here is the TRUTH. I am not interested in the TRUTH (at least not in the context of creating wealth and a powerful relationship to success).

I am interested in what gives me power.

I invite you to get interested in that.

Take on that successful people, (and remember, just making a lot of money does not guarantee success) think differently than most of us.

We all have heard the stories of the people who win the lottery, and soon they are just as poor, if even not worse off, than before.

Have you made a lot of money at times in your life, only to not have it later?

What makes the difference is the consciousness of being able to accept and keep the wealth that comes to you.

And how is that done?

Understand the Universe can do no more for you than can be done through you.

The extent that success appears in your world is 100% correlated to your thinking and consciousness.

You see, the currency of a successful mind, a prosperous mind is new ideas and self-worth.

Let’s work on that to create the space for 2018 being the year our lives and business changed.

For this work, let’s approach it from two directions.

First, what are some disempowering ideas you heard growing up about money and success?

This doesn’t mean that your parents or the church you went to were wrong and bad.

Remember, the disempowering conversations have been around a long time.  They are not personal to you, your parents, or even your church if you went to one.

But we all have heard them.

The root of all evil is money.

It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into heaven.

Rich people are bad.

What are the disempowering ideas you heard growing up around money, being rich, or being successful?

Try to own that you heard them, took them in, and they have colored and limited what has been possible for you.

Because by doing that, you can distinguish what they are. By taking them out of the background and putting them in the light of day, they no longer control and limit what is possible.

Any undistinguished belief controls what is possible for us. By taking ownership of them, we now create a space where we can replace them with something that serves us and supports what we are up to.

But first, distinguish them.

List here some of the disempowering ideas you heard growing up and took on:





If you want to go deeper in to this, I did a “True Wealth” series  and there will be a link at the end of the video, (or click here) and that series had handouts and worksheets that could support the work we are doing here.

Now that you can see some of the ideas that have disempowered you, what could you replace them with?

Again, I am not that interested in uncovering some Universal Truth. It is not important if it is true.

Are the disempowering beliefs you have distinguished true?

They have been for you because you took them on.

Now take on something different. Consciously take on something that empowers you, supports you, and allows you to create something new for yourself, your life, and your family.

This is what successful people do.

This is what prosperous people do.

This is how we allow the Universe, or God, to do more through us.

Replace the disempowering beliefs with ones that empower you and what you are up to in life.





Now, how does one allow what you have created to take root and filter into your reality success, prosperity and wealth?

Keep it alive.

Write them, repeat them, chant them, whatever process works for you.

In my morning routine, I say what I have created daily.

Now here is a tip that can make the difference.

When we create something new, like a new possibility, or a new vision for ourselves, our companies, or our lives; what immediately shows up in the world is the gap between what we have created and what is.

There is always a gap.

Who was it that said, ” Don’t judge the world by appearances”?

What I have realized is that one way the truly wealthy and truly successful people distinguish themselves from most others is that they find their self-expression, their fulfillment in that gap.

Being in that gap energizes them and inspires them to be all they can be to close it.

And once that gap is closed, guess what?

They create a new gap.

To become even more so more can be out-pictured in their lives.

If you took on 2018 with this mindset, what could happen for you and your self storage business?

The answer is whatever you create.

Next Episode we will conclude with a deep dive into a way to enhance your self-worth so who you are is someone who deserves the good, the wealth, and the success the work we did this week brings.