I think the next stage of evolution for humans is the movement from a “competitive” mindset (i.e. underlying view of the world that everything is ultimately us vs. them or me vs. you) to a “creation” mindset (there is unlimited supply of everything you need and you can create your dreams with the proper use of your mind).

This is critical in a Seller’s Market” when you are the Buyer.

I can’t remember the last time (if ever) I wrote an offer and successfully closed on a property without first connecting with the Seller.

If you take the concept of creating a “Win-Win” approach and then jack it up and put on steroids, you are beginning to approach what I think is necessary today if you’re going to “buy” self storage.

So what do I mean?

First an overview and then I’ll explain how to use this to be successful in today’s self storage market.

Competition” is not bad. It’s not good either. It just is.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, as our species was moving up the food chain, the environment was hostile. In order to survive, we had to “compete” against other animals and each other for limited resources.

Those synaptic connections were created and grooved deep in our brains.

I was born with them.

You were born with them.

These synaptic connections run deep in our species like hidden prompts in the computer operating system.

BUT we have been  born into a world where 99% (or more) of the time we are not ever really faced with the physical survival experiences that created them.

Certainly not in business today. I don’t “die’ if I’m not successful.

Yet often the fear we often experience in business feels like it. Right?

That is just part of the legacy we inherited.

My coaching is that you let that go and “create” a better approach.

It’s not Me vs. the Seller.

I want the Seller to have the experience of being successful in reaching his goals, not the experience of beating me. And vice versa.

There are always going to be a lot of other people trying to buy the same project. My goal is to be the new owner of a self storage facility, not to beat or destroy the competition.

A powerful and effective way to achieve this is to have the Seller experience a win, real success, if they deal with me.

And it’s not always just the most money that will determine their success.

In reality, money is never the real driver.

People think it’s money.  The Seller’s thinks it’s money.  But it’s not.

It’s what the money gives them. That is the real motivator driving the Seller.

Most Sellers will never realize this.

But we do.

This isn’t just a “technique” or a “tip” on how to beat the competition (although it can be).

I truly believe this is the next stage of our growth as humans. We are moving from a “competitive” mindset (if I win then someone loses) to a “creation” mindset (I can create something using my mind because I live in an abundant environment).

How you can use this is by really connecting with the Seller.

This isn’t easy today, and often you have to start wth the real estate agent listing the property.

Get the “story” behind the ownership from them.

Who the Seller is (research them on Google), how they acquired the facility, why they are selling, etc.

Really understand their situation.

Before I’m done, I can actually “see” or “get” the Seller’s world and how this potential transaction occurs for them – what this potential transaction will really offer them.

See how the world occurs to the Seller.


  • Do your best to create a transaction that helps them achieve their goals as well as getting you the facility so you can fulfill on your strategy (not always possible), and
  • Speak to what is really driving them every time you connect with them (emails, letters, face to face).

This will support you more than you can imagine.

In the book I wrote, Creating Wealth Through Self Storage, I chronicled two transactions. One was detailed throughout the book and the other was the case study at the end of the book.

In the case study, the “Seller” was a father and son ownership team. The son was the decision maker.

He was very proud of what they had created, especially a record storage portion of his self storage facility. He had created an income stream way above normal for self storage (in his mind) with the record storage portion. He had sold an insurance business when he was very young and made a windfall that went into this self storage project. At that time, he went from a single operator to managing employees.

He did not like having to hire, fire, and manage people.

I saw that what was driving him was the desire to actually experience the freedom he felt his success should give him.  He was tied down every day with running the business, which really meant managing the people who ran the business. He wanted freedom from managing people and just the ability to “enjoy” the fruits of his success.

When I saw that his focus was on moving into NNN (triple net real estate) I knew I was on the right track.

Throughout the entire transaction, I spoke about what he could do with the sales proceeds and focused on the deals he was contemplating making with the proceeds. I had the self storage facility under contract at a price I felt would give us win on our game plan, so I took the focus off me and put it on him.

My intention was to have his next deal be so compelling that he really wanted to support me in buying his facility from him so he could get the “freedom” the sale would give him.

This all took place during the meltdown at the end of 2007 and into the first part of 2008. We really had to get creative to close this deal. If he hadn’t had the next deal powerful pulling him, I doubt we would have ever owned that facility.

Find out what is really driving the Seller, then structure a deal where he can fulfill on it. Speak to what is driving him in his reality, not to the surface self storage transaction.

By doing this you will set yourself apart from the competition and create a situation where everyone wins.

Go make something powerful happen this week and use your mind to create a great self storage company!