I talk a lot about a self storage strategy.

My self storage business transformed when I got clear on where I was going, what it would look like when I was there, and what was missing for me to get there.

Oh yes, and the most important part of the strategy, the “why.” Why would I go through all that would be required to get to the vision?

The only thing a good strategy doesn’t have is “how.” How will I get to the vision, the end goal, the win?

A good strategy should be enough of a stretch that at the time it’s created, there is no way to know exactly “how” the goal will be reached. If you can clearly see the “how” the strategy is no stretch at all.

All business strategies, or goals of any kind, succeed based on three things according to Tony Robbins (perhaps THE master of personal achievement).

  1. State (the mental state of the goal creator)
  2. Story (the quality of the stories the creator makes up about themselves and success).
  3. Strategy (the strategies the creator puts in place to achieve the goals).

The order they are in above is also the order of importance.

Most of us go backward.  We put all the emphasis on strategy.

This may be caused by any mental blocks we have created with our personal stories which are firmly, but unknowingly, in place.

And most of us never, I mean never, look and adjust our mental state to create a mental environment for success.

Yet, if you study people who are masters at creating goals or vision, and achieving them, we are approaching it backward.

That’s why over 98% of business created won’t last over ten years. That is why 86% of business fail in the first five years.

I have been guilty of putting all my emphasis on strategy myself.


Because it’s the easiest and most satisfying to the mind.

It’s the easiest because:

  1. our minds are trained to think in a logical, somewhat sequential manner, and
  2. we don’t really have to change or transform anything about our selves. (Human beings resist change).

And finally, we usually approach it backward because we don’t know how to change our mental state. No one ever taught us and we never saw a reason to learn.

The “True Wealth” series was my attempt to address number 2 – our “stories” about money and success and how these affect our self storage business strategy.

I have also written blog posts about how to achieve “State” or the optimal mental state needed to play at a higher level of business than most people do.

What I give out as a “Self Storage Business Strategy Worksheet” is 99% strategy.

But I’ve never tied them together for the full picture of State, Story, and Strategy.

I am going to correct that now in the next upcoming series.

As I have evolved as a teacher working with many of you, I have begun to see what value I can add that will make a real difference in your self storage business.

This is the first in a series of Episodes called “The Complete Self Storage Business Strategy Series.”

You may or may not have already have a self storage business strategy. You may or may not know:

  • where you are going,
  • who is going there with you,
  • why you are going there
  • how you are getting there

(all parts of the business strategy work I have done with many of you).

Even if you have done that work, I doubt if you have taken either “Mental State” or your “Stories” into account.

This work is a not a simple 3 step process and then, boom, you’re done. All three work together harmoniously.  The next series of episodes will show you a way to address all three (not the only way, of course).

Like the “True Wealth Series”, the process is logical and sequential, but it is also an art. Logic and art play a role in every part of the process.

So if you want to participate in creating and/or updating your Business Strategy using this Complete Method, your take always today are:

  1. Get familiar with the three parts of any business strategy or goals and their order of importance.
  2. Answer the question, “What is your mental state” (especially during business hours).
  3. Is it possible to change your “Mental State” and if so, how? (in other words what do you do if anything, nothing theoretical please).

If you come back to the next episode with those questions answered, you will be ready for the next step.

Also, if you didn’t watch the True Wealth Series,” click here and do so.

If you are going to participate in this series with me (i.e. do the work instead of just read about it) then I Thank You. Thank you for your willingness to trust and go into areas most business people don’t venture.

My commitment is this work together will make the difference in your self storage business.