I start every video episode by talking about the self storage business as a way to create “True Wealth” and a fulfilling career.

But what is “True Wealth?”

It involves a lot more than just money.  But, believe me, without money there is no “True Wealth” either.  One thing self storage can be good for is generating money.  Often a lot of money.

When I speak of “True Wealth” I’m talking about the entire package that comes with an Abundance Mindset.

“True Wealth” includes money, health, and relationships that work.  “True Wealth” includes the fulfillment that comes from having a vision and then molding reality in such a way that your vision becomes real.

Or at least for me that’s the package of “True Wealth.”  What is it for you?

There have been times when I didn’t have money.  When my checking account had no money in it to pay for rent, food and utilities, I decided food was going to be the first to go.

It was not a fun time.  Not to mention the embarrassment.

When I was struggling, if you had talked to me about “True Wealth” under the definition I’m using today, I would have traded it all in for some cash.

Then I realized that I was causing my situation. Not the economy, or getting laid off, or this or that.  It was me.

More specifically, my thinking and my view of the world was causing my life situation.

I have learned over the years that if someone doesn’t take 100% responsibility for what happens in their life, for all of it, they are by default going to be a victim and suffer in life.


For me, part of the cause of my suffering, or feeling like a victim, was not having any money.

The starting place to change your situation in life is your thinking. “True Wealth” begins with how you think and what you think about (i.e. focus on).

I spend a lot of time advising people to create their “Business Strategy” for their self storage business. In other words, why are you in the business?  What are you going to create?  What is a win for you and how will you know it?

This Business Strategy informs just about every decision we make –  from how much to pay for a property to installing security cameras or not.

I have worked with many people over the years, many with great visions and business plans. One thing I have learned though is that a person’s success has little to do with their strategy or how well they execute it.

I’m not saying having a strategy isn’t critical. Without a good strategy that is well executed, success is limited.  But from my observation, simply having a well-executed strategy doesn’t ensure a person’s success.

How you think and your view of the world is what determines your success.

And changing your thinking and your view of the world is the hardest work there is to do.


Because people have a hard time seeing it.  It’s the water we swim in, we can’t discern it.

It’s like trying to see your eyes without a mirror.

We are thinking 100% of the time, so we rarely notice that we ARE thinking, much less WHAT we are thinking.

It is this unconscious thinking that determines if you will succeed in the self storage business or not (or any endeavor in life).

We are not taught how to think, how to observe our thoughts, and how to alter a disempowering world view that does not serve us very well.  At least I can’t remember my parents or teachers ever teaching me that.  I had to learn it elsewhere, in places like this.

So let’s learn it together. Even if you have done this work before, it’s a great reminder; a way to access a new doorway to a higher possibility for your self storage business and your life.

As we start the new year, let’s start to move on to other parts of the self storage business and industry.

I get very specific about what to do in the self storage business, how to run a business, and how to analyze and buy a business. But ultimately, it is this mindset work that determines if you are a success or not.

So are you ready to do the work?  I’ve created a list of simple questions you can download.

Click Here to Download

There is no right or wrong response.  Just answer them.  It will take five to fifteen minutes depending on how long you think about them.

We are going to uncover your thoughts about the subject of money.  You will probably find beliefs you are unaware you have about the subject of money.

The only rule is to not judge your answers.

There is no right way or wrong way to think about the subject these questions refers to. The goal is not to get the right answer, or even to change them at some point (although we most likely will).

The goal is to distinguish something that is undistinguished.

That is where real power is.

That is where possibility begins. When a human being sees something about themselves that was previously hidden, in that instant a new doorway of possibility exist that didn’t exist before.

We will create that door on what is now a blank wall together.  Once you open it, I have no idea where it leads to.

For me, there was a self storage business on the other side.

Let’s see and create what is there for you.

Answer these questions and bring them to the next episode.

This is how we use self storage to create “True Wealth”.