Want to have your best self storage year ever in 2017?

If you do, it isn’t going to happen by accident. It will happen by design.

The last two episodes I’ve discussed some very specific strategies to create a budget for your self storage facilities and a strategic strategy for your self storage business.

But today I want to talk about You.   How well your self storage facility, your self storage business and everything else in your life goes in the next year will be a function of your personal growth.

So let’s talk about a few simple (not easy, but simple) strategies to create your best year ever!

First, let me ask you a question:

If you could pick one thing to change about your personal life – your habits or who you are for yourself – something you know would have a huge impact on you and the important people in your life, what would you change?

(My suggestion is to go with the first thing you came up with, not the thing that came after thinking it through.  The first one was more raw & real.)

We all can become better versions of ourselves.

Every aspect of your life will improve if you work at improving who you are as a person. As Stephen Covey says,” the Public Victories show up as a result of the Private Victories.”  That is what the first 3 habits in the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People  are about.

The private victory.

So what was your answer to the question above?

It could have been as simple as more exercise, or not taking on as much in life, or spending time doing things that are really important to you, or to stop smoking.

Whatever it is, just make sure it’s a game changer.  Everything else in your life will seem to work better because you are taking this on.

Now, no matter what you answered, self-discipline will make a difference.   Perhaps your answer was to have more self-discipline.

So how do you change this one thing next year?

My suggestion is to look at how you start your day.

Do you get up as late as you can, then look at your computer or phone, then rush to work and start dealing with whatever shows up first?

One thing I have seen about successful people I admire and respect is they have a morning routine.  One that allows them to create their day around their priorities in life.

I learned this in the 1980’s and have been practicing it ever since.  I would not trade this personal time for anything.  It is truly a source of power for me.

Get up earlier than you do now (even if only 15 minutes).  Dedicate that time first thing in the morning (whether it’s an hour, a half hour, or in my case two hours) to being with yourself, meditating or reading uplifting material, and getting your thinking in the right place. Then from that place, from being in a space of what is important to you and gives you meaning and purpose, review and plan the upcoming day.

Create how the day is going to go: What three things will happen this day to move you forward in the vision you have for your business and your life?

Try creating a new morning routine.  Or start one if you don’t have one already.  If you need a resource try Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning.

I promise, if you take on having a powerful morning routine five days a week, your answer to the first question will be fulfilled on.


Because most likely whatever it was requires a new, more self-disciplined You to show up so it can happen. A new, powerful morning routine can help facilitate that New You.

Next (and last) question is:

If you could change one thing about how you are with other people – how you relate to them, how you show up for important people in your life – something you know would have a huge impact on you and the important people in your life, what would you change?

(Again my suggestion is to go with the first thing you came up with, not the thing that came after thinking it through.  The first one was more raw & real.}

Do you think a more disciplined You would make a difference here? Do you think if this aspect of your life was transformed, it would have an impact on your self storage business?  Your personal life?

I don’t want to imply that just getting up early will make your dreams come true.  But what it can do is create the space where you create what is truly important to you daily.  From a true center, you can create a day centered around your principled priorities.

Create enough days this way, you have a great year.

Create enough years this way, you have a great life.

Here is my promise:

If you keep the answer to the two questions alive for you and review them routinely in your new morning ritual, a new You will emerge over the next year.

The only real comparison in life that means anything is: are you a better version of you this year than you were last year.

Create enough days next year from that space, you’ll have your best year ever.