There has never been more of a need for us as business owners, self-storage owners and developers to operate from a “Prosperity Consciousness” as there is now.

Actually, everyone to operate from “Prosperity Consciousness”.

In reality, there are two belief systems we can operate from. Either what I will call a “Prosperity Consciousness” or a “Sacristy Consciousness”. I think most of us operate the majority of the time at some point on the Prosperity/Sacristy continuum close to the Sacristy end.

I suggest that most of us are never that present to what is the mindset, or belief system is operating in the background of our consciousness. But there always is one running, and when it comes to money, success, stepping out and creating a self-storage business, or whatever you are creating in your life, how you see the world and your experience of what is going on is 100% a function of your belief system.

The context (or your belief system) is what allows the experiences and what happens in your life unfold. 

It totally defines what is possible for you to experience.

If for example, we had a context of blue/green, we could see yellows, greens, blues, but orange would not even bee possible to see.

Now I know this goes against conventional thought and what usually makes since, but just try it on for this episode.

This is why the Indians who greeted Columbus couldn’t evens see the ships in the harbor. They had no frame of reference, or context in which there could be ships of that size, so most just didn’t seethe boats. 

That is why two people doing the exact same things as they create their self-storage business will have completely different outcomes in their businesses.

It Is Not Personal To You

Every period in time, part of the world, religion, or culture you are born into, has a set of beliefs that are already there.

A conversation we are born into.

We are born into them, and for most of us, we never discuss them, consciously accept them, or have even distinguished what most the belief systems are for that matter.

I think this is why most of us are not present to the Sacristy Consciousness that we have operating most of the time in the background of our consciousness. 

There is a conversation we are born into at this time in history, this western culture and this Judo/Christian religious background around money and being successful.

You most likely heard it form your parents in some form, or your teachers, or some adult figure in your world when you were a kid. At the very least, the majority of adults modeled some form of Sacristy Consciousness.

Here are some of the signs, echo’s, and traces that a Sacristy Belief System leave behind:

  • “Work is hard” or “hard work is what it takes to make it.”
  • “Life is hard.”
  • “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
  • “I don’t have enough money… time” …or whatever resource you feel is limited in your life.
  • “We can’t afford that.”
  • “It is not a good thing to focus on getting rich.”
  • “Rich people are for the most part, dishonest.”
  • Rich people have messed up lives.”
  • “Rich people are bad. They take advantage of people and must screwed someone to get that much money.”

On, and on.

Do you hear any of these, or similar echoes in your mind?

Just for a moment, don’t try to justify or defend whatever I may have triggered and for the next five minutes or so. 

It’s not personal to you.

Try taking on that all of us, to some degree, operate for a Sacristy Consciousness.

Sacristy Is Hardwired into Us

For much of the human experience, it has been a struggle for survival. Humans found themselves in an environment where at any moment, something dangerous could happen and you would literally die.

Over the time, our species has been able to evolve and control the environment to a large degree. Our environments have become less and less dangerous since we first showed up on this planet as a species. 

For the most part now, we do not live in a world that can kill us at any moment.

But our brain has not evolved as fast. We have a reptilian portion of our brain near the brain stem that sill operates from a fight or flight syndrome.

I think to a large degree that our Sacristy Consciousness is a carry over of what we experienced in our evolutionary process.

It is part of our hardwired ancient brain. Something happens, let’s say that our loan is not approved, or not approved fast enough, and that triggers the fight or flight syndrome.

Something is wrong. There is not enough. It’s dangerous here…etc.

Our body reacts as if we are in physical danger. Bit more importantly, the Sacristy lens through which we see the world is once again reinforced.

We never even question of our thinking creates the experience we are having. “It is obviously the loan not being approved itself that is causing how I am feeling.”

“There is only a limited amount of anything, and the world is a dangerous place. If you get something that means I can’t have it. If I am going to get something, that means you can’t have it.”

In this world of limited resources, for me to win, someone has to lose. If you win, then I don’t get all I could get.

In this world of Sacristy there is a lot of “us” and “them”. Not to get too political (but I will), we may even want to build a wall to protect us from “them”.

All of this are echoes of the Sacristy Consciousness we are born into.

So those that have won in the game of money, that have made lots of money; it must mean that I have less now.

I think to some degree, that is why so many people don’t like “rich people”.

The “Truth” About Abundance

I have worked with a lot of people. I see many with undistinguished internal beliefs and conversations that are at odds with what they are creating in their life.

It does not mean something is wrong with them, you or us. It does not mean we are dumb or bad. It just means we have not taken responsibility for what our real belief system is and where we are located on the Prosperity/Sacristy continuum.

Here is a powerful context.

As humans, we are more powerful than we can ever imagine. Our mind and thinking is everything. Think about it. We create some kind of internal conversation about rich people, or money, or wealth and success when we are kids. That belief system immediately goes into the background of our thinking and creates the limit on what is possible for us… for the rest of our lives, unless we take responsibility for it.

That is how powerful the human mind is.

Now I am not here to tell you what is “true”.

As I have said before, I am not interested in what is “true”. I am interested in what gives me power.

I look around and I see that life is always expanding. Becoming more.

The universe is expanding exponentially at the speed of light in every direction.

I see life growing out of cracks in the sidewalk.

Life is always becoming more…growing…expanding…becoming all it can be.

As humans, we are life …life expressing itself on this planet at this point in time.

I can create authentically for myself that in our natural state, without any the self imposed limitations we can put on ourselves, is to be always expanding, always becoming more.

That is the natural state of things. 

It is even against the natural order of life to be not becoming all we can be. Financially, physically, emotionally and every way that is possible to experience the abundance that life has to offer.

I look in the physical universe and I do not see “sacristy” anywhere. 

Sure there may be a drought happening somewhere on the planet, but other parts have an abundance of rain. 

A drought is not a problem for the earth. It is only a problem for us in our thinking.

In fact, we could say that “sacristy “only exist in the mind of humans. 

The natural state of life is to always expand and become all in can be, in every way including success and wealth. 

For us at this particular time, that could look like expanding and creating new businesses and creating real wealth so we can experience life in a way that we can afford all it has to offer.

For me, self storage is the business that allows me to most fully express myself. 

Take Responsibility-  Be The Source of Your Belief System

My coaching is to look with in and see what is your real relationship to money, wealth, rich people, and successful people.

Take a real look. Don’t just make a cursory preview. Really dig deep, look. Really see and distinguish what is right there for you. 

Perhaps you write the history of your relationship to abundance and prosperity. How have your beliefs about this been formed? Write it out.

The more real and deeper you go, the more whatever you have created for yourself in the past can become distinguished.

Remember, it is not personal to you. You were born into whatever is most likely your underlying beliefs about money, wealth and success.

Until you fully flush out what is your real beliefs about success, money and wealth, you do not have a chance of changing any part of your belief system that is not serving you. If you create something on top of an undistinguished belief system, it has no chance of impacting your life. What is already there will drive the bus.

This is one of the best benefits of being an entrepreneur. A business owner. To get to the next level in life, we must live a self reflective life and break ourselves apart so we can reinvent ourselves.

If you are scared that your new self storage business is going to be another experience of almost being successful like your past, this work is very important.

This work of creating a Prosperity Consciousness or an Abundance Mindset could be exactly what is needed to create True Wealth that self storage offers us.

This is a big part of what I love about being in business. To experience all I can possibly be as my life and business unfolds.

Let us know your thoughts and insights from this episode and what work you have done or intend to do.

Self storage is the best business there is and this work of creating an empowering belief system not only will support what we are up to in business, it will also enhance every aspect of life.

Make it happen.