When getting in the self storage, or any new, business we often wonder why the same patterns are happening to us again. “I thought this time it was going to be different?”
As I’ve said before, you can have the best self storage business strategy in the world, but if you have a disempowering belief about money, success, or your relationship to it, your strategy will fail.
If you haven’t read and completed the work in the last two episodes, stop now and do it. I am going to assume from here on out you have, and I am going to talk to you in a particular way. If you sign up to download the workbook from the first blog post, Your Relationship With Money, you will receive the workbooks for all of the posts in this series in follow-up emails.
If you did last week’s work, you are probably starting to see that your story about money and success is just that… a story. It’s made up.
Sure, it can be a valid story. There can, and I am sure there is, evidence out there to support it. But there would be evidence to support any story.
One of my weird loves is to study physics. I love the beauty, the natural laws, the vastness of the physical universe. I often get lost thinking about the stars and galaxies. It is all so orderly and perfect until you get to the level of subatomic particles.
Then physics gets weird and strange. All the beautiful laws and order disappear as if they were never there. My layman study of quantum physics shows that the observer that impacts the path of the particles. NO PARTICLES REALLY EXIST in a specific moment at a specific place, it is just a mathematical probability. And if a human is observing, that impacts the probability.
I told you it gets weird. But that also begins to help me make sense of the fact that the world can and will occur to us exactly how we view it. We have a view on everything. Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to change someone’s mind? Because if we have a view, a belief, the world around us reflects that view.
Now what you have on that workbook you wrote last week is your story, your view of your relationship to money and success. Again, I’m not saying it is not valid or true. I don’t really care. It just a story. A story you created.
I hope you can begin to see you could have created another story. Any story. But you didn’t. You created that one.
Why did you create that one? That’s another series of blogs by professionals much smarter than me.
The reality is, I don’t care. For now, I suggest you don’t care either.
My question to you is: is that a good story? Is your story one that will support you in creating and growing your self storage business? Is your story about money and success one you would want to have your children inherit? They most likely are, like you did from your parents, or did in part.
But if that story doesn’t serve you, now is the time to change it. And yes, you can change it. You can change it anytime you want now that you can see it. Now that is is no longer hidden, running in the background. Now that it has seen the light of day.
We tend to be symbolic as humans, so it would be totally appropriate to tear it up with fanfare, or burn it, or in some way, demonstrate that you now declare this story to be over.
Or you could just throw it in the garbage.
No matter what you do, declare it over. Declare it complete.
Just like you made it up you can make it be over.
I am hoping you are understanding the power of the human mind.
As a child, from whatever influences were around you at the time, made up a story about money and your relationship with it. Then your entire life shaped itself around your story.
It’s amazing.
That is the power of the mind, of human thought. It is a powerful, sacred instrument of creating.
Now if you are religious or spiritual, you can create for yourself that the Universe or God is the source of that power, and we are made in “his” or “her” image. That is why we have the God given power to use our mind and speech to create our world.
A very powerful practice is to into silence, or prayer, connect with your source and from that place create your worldview about money and success.
What new, empowering story about money and success can you create with this powerful instrument called your mind?
Anything you want.
Like I said last week, I don’t really know what money is. But after I started doing this work, and looked around me with a new set of eyes, I was amazed at what started to show up about money and success.
First, I saw that money, for the most part, doesn’t exist.
A very small percentage of what we call money is in the form of paper and metal. Most of it is simply a collective agreement among our species, that now exist digitally.
Even the physical money we carry around is just an agreement. Why is a piece of paper with Ben Franklin’s picture on it worth 100 times more than the same paper with George Washington on it?
Because we agree it is.
Yes, money is made up. We all had to agree to that story. And yes, that collective agreement shapes and impacts our lives like our individual story about it does.
When I got behind money and the story of money that I was born into, I began to see money is just, for lack of a better term, energy. You can’t see it, but it sure can affect you. People with a certain energy, created by a certain way of thinking, sure had a lot of it. Others, it seemed, no matter what they did, to never have much of it.
Are you beginning to see how this works? What is necessary for us, if we are going to create our NEW relationship to money and success, IS A NEW PARADIGM.
As Stephen Covey says in the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, all breakthroughs for humanity happen when a new paradigm emerges. Then something instantly becomes possible that wasn’t possible the moment before.
Now some paradigm shifts can happen in an instant, and some are slow to emerge.
My only coaching is don’t take too long because life abhors a vacuum. The story you just completed, if not replaced, will re-emerge to fill the empty place it left.
So where do you go to create this new paradigm?
It’s up to you.
You can go to your religion. You can read books. Or you can just go within. No matter what, observe, test, and please don’t take anything on face value. Run it through your inner awareness. I happen to think at our core, we know and can resonate with what is true principles and natural law. For me, all things worthy of building a life on, a new paradigm for living, are built on natural principles and natural law.
All I can do is share my experience and some of my “Source Documents”, or influences in shaping my new paradigm about my relationship to money and success.
First I looked out into the world and I saw that life is always striving to become more, to expand, to grow, to thrive.
Even in a crack in a sidewalk, in a dessert, anywhere possible; something will try to expand and grow out of it.
Life is always seeking to become more.
I am part of that “life,” and I saw that I could create, or believe, that it is natural to want to expand and become more.
In fact, it was what I was meant to do. I created it is the reason I am here, alive. To become all that I can be. To experience abundance in all things, especially money and wealth.
I began to realize that “scarcity” only exists in human thought.
It is not even “real”. It can become real, through thinking. But only there. In the physical universe, scarcity doesn’t exist.
Droughts are not a problem for the earth.
A dying star is not a problem. It’s just at the end of its existence.
When it was time for my dog to pass away, it was not a problem for my dog.
Only in human thought is scarcity “wrong” or “bad.”
I began to seek places where this type of thinking flourished. I was amazed at the number of books, organizations, churches, that taught these natural laws and had support documents in the form of books and teachings.
I began to believe, or create for myself, that it is my inherent birth right to become all I can be, including rich. I deserve it because I am part of a world, a universe that is alive and becoming all it can be.
I am a part of a perfect, expanding, universe that celebrates abundance. LIFE in it’s normal and natural state is abundance.
Abundance in everything. Relationships, money, wealth, wisdom, knowledge, and the experience of life itself.
That is what I created as a new paradigm to fill the void left by an old paradigm of being unworthy, not deserving, and poor.
If you downloaded the workbook for the first episode of this series, you should have a workbook waiting for you in your inbox for this episode as well. You can also download a free book, “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Waddles, written in 1908.  Some of the references are old and interesting, but it is short, to the point, and can be very impactful.
As you go through the reference materials listed above, please understand that I don’t know what is “true.” I certainly don’t think what I believe is “true”.
All I know is it serves me. I don’t want to be seen as trying to influence you. If anything on either list doesn’t “feel” right with you, or part of the natural laws or principles that guide you, don’t hesitate to throw it away.
Believe me, I will not be offended. I threw away a lot that was given to me by well-meaning people.
Now, what does all this have to do with getting in the self storage business or growing a self storage business?
Without an empowering and abundant view of yourself, the world, and your place in it, your business will not be fulfilling and all it can be. You, your family, your employees, and your customers, either existing or to come, deserve the best you that can be.
Next week, in the final Episode in this series, we will explore the “Science” and “Art” of keeping alive whatever you create.
I hope this has served you. If all you really want is self storage support, I have it on many other posts on the blog and at the QuickStartAcademy.com.
This series is at the request of many people who have reached out and requested support in their relationship to success and money.
So this week, create an empowering new paradigm. Create a story worthy of your life.