Self-Storage vs Flex Space Match Q1 2025!

Self-Storage vs Flex Space Match Q1 2025!

I have worked with several self-storage investors who are now considering and undertaking mixed-use projects of self-storage and flex space. Flex space is the new shiny object for many smaller self-storage developers. As strange as it may sound, I worked for a...
Netflix, Self-Storage, and Revenue Management

Netflix, Self-Storage, and Revenue Management

Go with me for a minute. We will discuss self-storage brand loyalty, self-storage revenue management, and customer value. But let’s start with Netflix. I saw Netflix on my credit card statement yesterday, and it got me thinking. Netflix is a monthly subscription...
Why I Think the Human Touch Still Matters

Why I Think the Human Touch Still Matters

In the self-storage world, there is a lot of momentum towards fully automated facilities, no matter what the size of the project. I am not here to say that is the wrong direction. I even am involved in one myself as a partner. But today let me talk about a reason to...

Your Self-Storage Team

Self-storage tends to attract lone wolves who want the freedom and independence this business can offer. But here’s the deal: no one can be successful by themselves. It takes a village. Or a team, in this case. Let’s discuss who I think are the players on your...
My Boat & RV Revelation

My Boat & RV Revelation

I had a few aha moments at the recent Inside Self Storage Convention (ISS) a few weeks ago, One of them was about the future of Boat & RV developments as a niche in the storage space. I heard a statistic. I already heard it a few times, but this time it clicked. I...
Takeaways from The 2024 ISS Convention

Takeaways from The 2024 ISS Convention

As many of you know, I attended the Inside Self Storage (ISS) Convention two weeks ago in Las Vegas. Not everyone could go, so here are a few takeaways in no particular order. Consolidation of The Self-Storage Space It’s not really surprising considering the amount of...
The Physics Of Self-Storage

The Physics Of Self-Storage

Let’s talk about the physics of self-storage today. One of my passions is studying physics. Particularly theoretical physics at the quantum level. It’s mind-blowing, fascinating, and can also be very spiritual. Sir Isaac Newton really began much physics as we know it...

How I Analyze Self Storage Opportunities Today

Here is a video I did on how to analyze expansions in Episode 210. Expansions are still a major way I, and the people I work with, are using to get into the self-storage business. But a lot has changed since I first recorded this episode. And yet, a lot remains the...

2023 in the Rear View – How Are You Seeing It?

It has been an interesting year for many of us small investors in the self-storage space. I have definitely been involved in fewer deals. It is much harder to make them pencell out. I also have some that I had to walk away from. First, I am not sure what we are going...
Is Now the Time to Get in Self Storage?

Is Now the Time to Get in Self Storage?

“Is now the time to get in self storage?” I get asked that multiple times a week. Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to that question. I have an opinion. But my opinion is based on my experiences and history in the space, as well as my history in commercial real...
Self-Storage “Bad Times?”

Self-Storage “Bad Times?”

“Self-storage rents have dropped 20% to 30% since the start of the year.”  “Sales transactions are down 57%.” “Interest rates are rising.” “Construction costs are up 40%.” These are just some of the headlines we see today in much of the self-storage news. And all of...
Self-Storage Managers in the Day of Automation

Self-Storage Managers in the Day of Automation

Yes, I have a facility where there is no manager. Automation has allowed that. But, for the most part, projects I have been involved in have managers. I like managers. I like the level of customer service a good store manager can provide. So, for the most part, I...
Distressed Self Storage Opportunities

Distressed Self Storage Opportunities

I’m starting to see the distressed self-storage listings. I said they were most likely coming, and I am starting to see a trickle of them, soon to be more. Keep your eyes open. Example: Yesterday I saw a listing, unpriced, of course, with a call for offers. It was a...
Fundraising 101- Pt. 4 – Funds

Fundraising 101- Pt. 4 – Funds

Over the last three weeks, we have been discussing an overview of fundraising for small self storage investors getting into the business or growing their business from my perspective. This will be the last in this mini-series. I have organized this large and...
Fundraising 101 – Pt. 3 – Joint Ventures

Fundraising 101 – Pt. 3 – Joint Ventures

Over the last two weeks, we have been discussing an overview of fundraising for small self storage investors getting into the business or growing their business. I have organized this large and complicated world of fundraising into three main buckets, syndications,...
Fundraising 101- Pt. 2 – Syndications

Fundraising 101- Pt. 2 – Syndications

Last week, I introduced self storage Fundraising 101 and discussed three main types of raising capital for self storage investments. I have organized this large and complicated world of fundraising into three main buckets, syndications, joint ventures, and funds (or...
Are You A Self Storage Developer or Operator?

Are You A Self Storage Developer or Operator?

I have noticed an interesting thing as I have coached and consulted people over the years getting into the self storage business. Usually, someone early in their self storage journey is attracted to the business because of the anticipation of the freedom running their...
Debt During Inflationary Times

Debt During Inflationary Times

There is a lot of grinding of teeth and wringing of hands around rising interest rates and buying self storage today. I don’t want to minimize the impact higher interest rates can have on projects and underwriting them. Today, more discipline in underwriting is...
Case Study of a Student

Case Study of a Student

Let me tell you about Fred’s (not his real name) story and how he got into self storage. Over the next few episodes, I will interview some previous students and/or tell the story of a few students I have worked with, so some of you may see yourself in them. Fred was a...
So Much Self Storage Data – Keep It Simple

So Much Self Storage Data – Keep It Simple

Yes, self storage has performed well during past recessionary times. But past performance is not indicative of future performance. At least, that is what my LLC documents say. How many of you were in the self storage business during the ’08 recession? I was....
Self Storage as a Retirement Vehicle

Self Storage as a Retirement Vehicle

I was asked to write an article on self storage as an investment vehicle to fund one’s retirement. I almost turned down the assignment because I have such a strong opinion about the retirement and wealth advisors industry. I need to say I am not an investment advisor....
Our Number One Source Of New Leases

Our Number One Source Of New Leases

For most of our facilities, in 2020 & 2021, what do you think was the number one source of new leases? If you guessed the internet, you are close. In fact, for some facilities, it was, in some quarters. But as a portfolio, what is the number one source of our new...
Our Number One and Two Sources of Referrals

Our Number One and Two Sources of Referrals

“Referrals” as a source of new self storage leases average between 10% on the low end to 40% on the high end per quarter between 2016 and 2021. We do our best to track everything, including where our new leases come from, and referrals have always been a very high...
A Quick Way to Increase Retail Sales

A Quick Way to Increase Retail Sales

This self storage episode will be short but could be worth, let’s say, $40,000 of value. Perhaps worth reading. I am talking about a way to increase retail sales. No matter where we are in retail sales in any given facility, we always look to improve it. This amount...