Most people in our world today have a weird relationship to money.

Did you find out anything unusual as you answered the questions last week? If you didn’t read the beginning of the True Wealth With Self Storage Series last week, click here for last weeks’ episode. If you didn’t watch or read the post, stop now, watch or read it, answer the questions, then come back.

Unless you’ve done this work before, you probably found you have some conflicting internal conversations and beliefs about money. All the questions are interesting, but together they are designed to show you where you may have some disempowering beliefs that are affecting your ability to create real wealth.


The first step we must take is to get beyond our parents’ beliefs about money.

My parents never talked much about it, but my Father grew up in the depression. It was clear from growing up in our house that money was hard to get.  It was only available to someone who worked very hard, and even then, nothing is guaranteed.  It can be lost at any time. Save it. Protected it. Hoard it. We have many relatives in the Helm history that made a lot of money and died broke.

He never told me these things about money, but as you know, actions speak louder than words.

What are you demonstrating to your children about money?


The next hurdle to overcome is your religion’s and your community’s conversations about money.  I know I’m on thin ice here and I don’t want to get sideways with anyone’s religious beliefs.  I just know what I took away from my upbringing (not necessarily what was said).

I heard that it is not good to strive for wealth.

I heard bad people spend their time trying to create wealth.

I heard there is virtue in being poor.

Now I would have never gone out and said that’s what I was being taught. But that’s what I heard, or interpreted, as a kid growing up in the church I went to.

Then I would look around and see rich and successful people and wonder, “Are they bad or good people?” I would try to get cues from the adults around me, but they also gave me mixed messages. So I just figured I would someday understand.


The question I find very enlightening from last week’s list of questions is “Who are the people you spend the most time with and what is their beliefs about money.” Jim Rohan, a great motivational speaker and thought leader in our time, once said that you can tell the net worth of someone by looking at the five people they spends the most time with.

You can learn a lot about yourself by answering that question.

The goal here is not to change you, indoctrinate you, or judge you. Where we are right now in this process is a place where you can begin to see your internal belief systems and internal conversations about money and wealth.

If you are like most of us, you have not been fully aware of your beliefs about money.  Our subconscious beliefs are running 100% of the time in the background like a computer operating system. Often there are beliefs that we don’t know we have or have never questioned.  Every action, every conscious thought, every business endeavor is processed and filtered by these beliefs and we’re usually unaware that it’s happening.

Beliefs that are now aware we have, or beliefs that are disempowering, or even just conflicting, can have a big impact on your results.

All your business endeavors, especially one like building a self storage company where real wealth can be created, will be filtered through these limiting beliefs.

The output, our actions and their results, based on the censorship of these beliefs is not always what we want or expect.

And some of us wonder, “We why me again? Why do I always come up short?”

Now if you think I am going to tell you what is really so, what is really true about money, you are going to be disappointed.

I don’t know.

I don’t care.

I don’t care because I don’t think there is any “truth” about money.

Money just is.

Human beings are the only animals we know of so far (I am sure there are others somewhere, or sometime, in this vast universe) that live language.  Language is the water we swim in.  Most of our thoughts occur in language.

We use language to tell a story.  We use stories to create meaning for ourselves.  We live in stories and the meanings we give them.

In our minds, it occurs as if we are just describing what we see happening around ourselves and in the world.   We don’t realize we are creating a story and then giving it the title of “reality.”

“I saw my co-workers stop talking when I walked up to the water cooler.  I know they were talking about me.  They obviously don’t like me or they wouldn’t have stopped talking.”

What happened is the appearance that a conversation stopped as someone walked up.  Everything else is story.

But for us, it never occurs as story. It occurs as reality.   Then we live into it, make decisions based on it, and live a life totally inside the stories we create, never aware that this is how we have chosen to live our lives.

Our belief systems about money are just stories.  Subconsciously they run the show. What is possible for you is only a function of what is possible from the stories you tell yourself about money and wealth.

Are you starting to see how this works?

I am not interested in the “truth” about money and abundance.

I’m just interested in what empowers me.  What will support me in achieving my goal of creating abundance in my life with a self storage business is what interests me.

I know this may seem strange work to be doing, especially if you’re here to learn how to increase the occupancy of your self storage facility.

I have a lot of episodes on that topic, and more to come.

But that work will be greatly enhanced by doing this work.  Something becomes possible for yourself, your life, and your self storage business when you do this work.

Before we take the step of creating a powerful worldview that supports you, empowers you, and creates the framework for allowing abundance to flow into your life, we have one more step to go.

Here is what I have learned the hard way.

If I create a new story, a new empowering context for my life on top of an uncovered belief or story about myself, nothing new can happen.

We must replace stories and beliefs that are fully fleshed out. Once they discovered, they can be changed.  Until then, they may show up like feelings or emotions, or something of that nature.  And we are always trying to avoid bad feelings. And a human we are wired to move away from pain or discomfort.

But if you will fully uncover the layers of your belief system, your story, about yourself and money, then you can replace that story with something more empowering.

Download the workbook for Part 2 of the True Wealth With Self Storage Series by clicking the button below.  This will take about twenty minutes to do, but give it some deep thought.

Click Here to Download

For some, you may spend an hour or so on it.  It doesn’t matter.  Write it out.

When you are done with this work, you will have your story, your belief about you and money on paper.  There in the light of day.

Tip. The more real, the more raw and unfiltered, the better. I was shocked at how I really felt about creating wealth and my story of failure.  Over and over.  But the more real you can get, the greater the breakthrough possible.

Next week we will learn the process of creating whatever belief system we want or need to support the game we are up to.   This is work that will make the difference for yourself, your family, your life and your self storage business.

See you then and there.